Sustainability, and Resilience in Action

Driving Positive Social Impact

Hospitality and Travel Services, the not-for-profit arm of IITA is deeply committed to community development and social impact. With a strategic focus on empowerment, sustainability, and resilience, HOSTRA directs its resources towards programs benefiting vulnerable segments of society

Mentoring & Education

Impact On Everyone

Central to HOSTRA's mission is the empowerment of women and children. Through initiatives like skills development workshops, education programs, and mentorship schemes, HOSTRA equips individuals with tools for success, fostering economic independence and social empowerment, thus contributing to a more equitable and inclusive society.

IITA Support

In tandem, HOSTRA supports food programs and agricultural initiatives promoting sustainability and resilience. Collaborating with local farmers,

Science & Agric

HOSTRA enhances productivity, improves agricultural practices, and strengthens food systems against climate change challenges.


HOSTRA advocates for environmental awareness and implements eco-friendly practices across its operations, to minimize environmental footprint for sustainable future.
"HOSTRA employs two primary streams to support communities: Direct Empowerment and Corporate Social Investment (CSI). "

Understanding IITA

Positive Impact

Overall, HOSTRA's multifaceted approach reflects its dedication to positive social impact. By combining targeted interventions with strategic initiatives, HOSTRA aims to create lasting change, foster inclusive growth, and build resilient communities for generations to come.

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